
Almost Famous on Broadway

Almost Famous at The Old Globe Theatre

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical on Broadway

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical on Broadway

Avenue Q on Broadway

First national tour of Avenue Q

Xanadu on Broadway

The first national tour of Xanadu

Rent on Broadway

Second national tour of Rent

With Eve Plumb in Unbroken Circle Off-Broadway

Closer Than Ever at York Theatre Company

Adam Geuttel's Myths and Hymns with Prospect Theater Company

How to Save the World and Find True Love in 90 Minutes Off-Broadway

Zanna, Don't! Off-Broadway

Adam Gwon's The Boy Detective Fails at Signature Theatre

With Julie Reiber and Telly Leung in Godspell at Papermill Playhouse

Baby Case at NYMF

Jaradoa Theater's production of Anika's autobiographical musical Shafrika, The White Girl
Jaradoa Theater's production of Anika's autobiographical musical Shafrika, The White Girl

With Joshua Henry in Jaradoa Theater's Serenade